MISEREOR, Germany team members,  Ms. Kesuma Saddak and Thomas paid a visit to HUDEC-Caritas Jaffna on the 3rd of October 2018.  Ms.Dharshi, Mr. Priyantha and Mr. Freddie Jayawardana from the National Centre, SEDEC-Caritas Sri Lanka also accompanied with them.  HUDEC-Caritas Jaffna is implementing Peace and Reconciliation project funded by Caritas Australia and MISEREOR with the coordination of National Centre SEDEC in seven villages.  The aim of their visit was to evaluate the progress of the project.  They team members had discussion with the religious leaders (Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and Muslim) and members of the Village Peace Committee at HUDEC-Caritas Jaffna.  Ms. Kesuma Saddak, Thomas and the team from SEDEC went to Mallakam village in the evening and had a dialogue with the peace group members from Mallakam, Nallinakapuram, Palaly and Mathagal. More than 60 people participated in this event.